Monday, October 1, 2018

Health over Education

Image result for stress clipart                          
  Something that is just crazy to me about school and the whole stigma around it is how teachers portray that the only important thing in life is to get good grades.  They don't communicate with each other, and put all of their tests on the same day.  My brain is literal mush right now, studying for important tests I have this week.  I decided to take a break and rant about how much I hate school.  I am not somebody who can just sit down and read a text book.  I get side tracked and can never focus or memorize what I am studying.  I am soon going to get tested for ADD to see if that's what is up, but part of me feels like its just normal.  It's normal to procrastinate and think about other things happening in life.  Especially when you have anxiety.
     The school really likes to think that they do a good job at making sure their students know that their mental health is important.  What they don't do a good job at is pushing that it is more important than our education.  You need to be mentally well before you can succeed in anything else.  It all falls back on how you are doing in your head, and relates to anything else that you do.  Students these days are so focused on their studies and getting good grades they forget to check in on themselves to realize that they're on the verge of exploding and having a break down.
Image result for stress clipart     Something I notice about my studying is how much anxiety it causes me.  As I'm writing this I should be going to sleep for a big test I have tomorrow, but I'm so anxious and my mind is running like crazy I can't even sleep.  Something I wish that people could see through my blog post is that I write them in about ten minutes.  My mind races and goes crazy when I write these, because I write when I'm anxious and ready to rant about something.  I get so anxious before I start to study, because I get worried about what if I can't focus.  While I study I get anxious realizing I just read a whole page of notes but the entire time I was just thinking about taking the test and how I'm going to fail.  Before and during the test I can't even focus because I am so concerned about the outcome in the end.  I'm not blaming my average grades on my anxiety, but it is definitely a large part of it.
     Life is so stressful.  Take time to step back from the world and focus on yourself.  This past week I have really focused on myself and improving my life.  As I'm studying for this test tomorrow, I keep taking breaks of just relaxing and letting my mind take a break.  Even though it still makes me anxious knowing my studying will just take longer and I won't get as much done when I take these breaks, it is still necessary.  Nobody should be spending all of their mind power on their studies.  Take a break, relax, and always be proud of yourself in the end.

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